
Self-Declaration for Compliance of EPR Authorization and Reduction in the use of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) (As per E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016).
Approval ID: JKPCC/Digital/White/3690754

EoL Product Flowchart

EPR Support Process of Home & Roam Private Limited


  • The customer can give us a call on our toll-free number for any further queries regarding the product or disposal queries post end-of-life of the product.
  • We will have return courier services available to our clients as per requirement. The customers can call or e-mail for the collection of the same at its end-of-life span and return logistics will be provided to customer.
  • As per the rule 16(1) of the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 , the RoHS technical literature can be shared with CPCB/SPCBs, whenever required.
  • After the expiry of warranty period, when the product reaches End-of-Life (EoL), we propose to encourage our customers to deposit the E-o-L products to us for safe disposal as per the guidelines of Jammu & Kashmir Pollution Control Board and CPCB. For achieving this, we propose the following
  • Provide an information leaflet in the product package containing information about safe disposal of the item after the expiry of the product life requesting the customer to return the product to us. The leaflet shall also provide information about our website, our contact information, customer may return these items for disposal in an environment friendly manner.
  • We shall setup a webpage on our website http://www.homeandroam.in for E-Waste management with the information specified in point 1.
  • In order to encourage the buyer to return the product after the expiry to the lifecycle, we shall offer a discount of 1 % as incentive, on subsequent purchase of new products from our product line, to those customers who return the End-of-life products for disposal to us.
  • We shall from time to time publish the above information on our social media pages to generate awareness about the safe disposal.
  • End of life products deposited by customers shall be handed over to authorized dismantler/recycler, if the product falls under rule 16(1) of the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 , Schedule-I.
  • The warranty of the product is mentioned on the price list provided to the buyers, and also on our website and in case of online e-commerce sales to end users the warranty is also mentioned on the product listing on the website and is also noted on CRM , post sales.
  • Warranty for products is also conveyed to buyers verbally at the time of sale. Based on the warranty the customer may return the defective item back to us to our Srinagar H.O.
  • To fulfil Extended Producer Responsibility obligations, HOME & ROAM PRIVATE LIMITED has undertaken/will be undertaking extended plans as given below:

  • Collect and channelize of e-waste generated as 'end of life' of the product.
  • Create all-round awareness through publications & information dissemination.
  • Appoint authorized professional collection (PRO) and recycling agency who will collect and recycle e-waste as per the government norms, if required or if we introduce any Schedule-I product.
  • Continuous improvement of processes, including the integration of LEAN principles.
  • Building efficiency projects, including lighting retrofits and installation of water saving and energy-efficient equipment.
  • Choosing green certified facilities where feasible.
  • Optimization, reuse, and recycling of packaging materials.
  • Maintain records & file annual returns, if we fall under such compliance purview.